EJB Interview Questions

For every job, there is an interview. In every interview, there is a set of questions that forms a structure within which the interviewee is tested and if found eligible, is allowed to appear for further rounds of the selection process or is appointed by the authorities if the interview is the last stage of the selection process. No matter how the flow of the selection process is designed by the authorities, the interview is one stage where you get the maximum chances to impress the interviewer by showcasing your professional acumen and skills. Acting and speaking like a true professional are very important because based on your performance here at this stage, the interviewer and the other people involved in the selection process will come to a conclusion and the impression put here will last for a long time.

EJB stands for enterprise java beans, a server side component that allows development of enterprise applications. A person working as a java developer uses the EJB APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to program and define certain actions for an enterprise application.

EJB interview questions test you on several parameters. Right from your education, first job, achievements, and strengths, all will be known to the interviewer by the end of it. Therefore, you need to prepare well for the interview and perform brilliantly, so that it becomes easy for you to communicate with the interviewer in a confident manner and convince him/her that you, as a professional, possesses all that is needed to execute the job duties assiduously. Given below are some common interview questions that are asked by the employers who are looking for candidates to work with the EJB.

Question 1: Why should we hire you?
Answer: You have appeared for the interview because you believe that the qualifications you possess are suitable for the job requirements. Explain the same to the interviewer confidently and make him/her aware of your qualifications for this position. Remember to smile while you speak and do not read out the script you have in your mind. Take pauses wherever required and do not let nervousness dominate you at any point.

Question 2: What do you consider as your strength and weakness?
Answer: Speak frankly about the characteristics you consider your strengths and weakness. There is no point to hide because it only shows that you are confident about your skills and it is easy for you to discuss the areas where you lag behind.

Question 3: What are your salary expectations?
Answer: Salary is one thing that plays a major role, no matter how passionate we are for work. Give a salary range that you believe you deserve, not what you desire. If you are an experienced professional, then you can demand a hike according to the current salary paid to professionals with equal experience as of yours. For people who are out for their first job, they should see to it that they do not quote an exorbitant salary.

Question 4: What makes you apply for this organization?
Answer: There are always some factors that motivate you to apply for certain organizations. Speak about what you know about the organization, its operations, work culture, etc. Cite reasons that make you believe that this will be one organization where you will be able to carve a niche of excellence and outperform as a professional.

Question 5: Define SessionBean.
Answer: A SessionBean is defined as a non persistent object that runs a business logic.

Question 6: Can you stop a method in a SessionBean before it is completed?
Answer: Unless there is a code written inside the SessionBean, stopping a method is not possible.

Question 7: What is entity bean? How is it different from session beans?
Answer: Entity bean acts as the representative of the persistent global data from the database, whereas a session bean represents data that expires once the user ends the session.

Question 8: Define business interface.
Answer: Business interface is the interface through which a client invokes a bean. Three types of business interfaces are available in an EJB, namely local, remote, and web service.

Question 9: Is it possible to overload methods in EJB?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to overload methods in EJB.

Question 10: What do you understand by a bean managed transaction?
Answer: Bean managed transaction is the process where the developer implements all the database operations without using a container for it.

The EJB interview questions provided above are just an example to help you understand how the interviewer will gauge you on different parameters. Make it a habit to stay updated with the latest advancements in the industry, because only then you will be able to answer the questions of the interviewer accurately and confidently.

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