Business Architect Responsibilities

A business architect is a professional who does the work of formulating a blueprint that defines the way in which the organization is integrated. This also includes the manner in which the employees and their activities are organized. He may prepare a model that visually describes the design of the organization in the form of diagrams. However, the data is most provided in a written format.

The business architect makes use of different technical software and applications to execute his tasks. These tools can be Metastorm M3, ICE Business Architecture software program, Sparx Systems' Enterprise Architect software program, etc.

Job Responsibilities of a Business Architect

The job responsibilities of a business architect are as follows:

Other Responsibilities of a Business Architect

The other responsibilities of a business architect are given below:

Business architect responsibilities are mainly related to the task of simplifying the visual aspect of the business structure of the organization and helping it to enhance its business operations.

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