Computer Technician Job Description

The world today runs on computers; almost everything in a developed nation is controlled by a computer or a computerized system. Therefore, the job of a computer technician has gained a lot of ground in the past few decades. The computer technicians know the computer inside and outside. They know about the hardware and software of the computer through and through.

Maintenance is the first part of their job. Not just the computer, they also have to perform maintenance services on all other computer related equipment. There are a lot of peripheries which come with the computer and it is the job of the technician to know how to repair those too. The different computer related equipment includes UPS, printers, speakers, cameras etc. there is a lot of things that the technician should know about.

Even though, the technician should know more about the hardware, but knowing about software is also a part of their job. There is some basic software the technician should know about and they should also know how to clean a computer which is infected with viruses. The job is quite versatile in nature.

The technicians get paid well and there is quite a lot of demand for computer related jobs. The demand is only set to get more as more and more countries begin the use of computers for their everyday functions. Read up more about this job in the computer technician job description section

Duties and Responsibilities of a Computer Technician

Education Required for a Computer Technician

Extra Skills

Career Advancement

The technicians are promoted in the offices and organizations they work in. Companies even have their very technical support department headed by the technicians.

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