Authorization Letter for Bank Statement

Transparency is the prime need for any bank to win credibility of the customers. Sine all the transactions in a bank are related to money, bank cannot take any risk in any of those.

Every transaction needs proper documentation and hence you need to write quite a few letters in going through these transactions. Suppose you want the bank statement and cannot go to the bank for some reason, you have to send someone on your behalf to collect your bank statement.

Here, the bank will ask that person for your authorization letter before giving him/her your bank statement. This is done to avoid any theft or identity frauds.

Authorization letters are an important type of official communication. Such a letter is a proof of your permission given to the concerned organization to allow someone else to perform the official tasks on your behalf.

Authorization letters are sent to avoid any complications or controversies in the concerned transactions.

Authorization letters have to be written in a particular way. You are not supposed to use flowery language in such a letter. You should put facts in a simple and clear manner.

However the language should be formal and the letter should be drafted in a particular format. Whatever is the intent of the letter, you are supposed to come to the point at the very outset and not supposed to keep beating around the bush.

The Ideal Formats To Write An Authorization Letter To Collect The Bank Statement.

James Holdings
57, New College Road
London- BBND 1ZZ
Contact No.: 8087437621

The Manager
UDBL Bank Ltd.

London- EC3A2AD
Sub: Authorization to collect my Bank Statement

Respected Sir,

I, the undersigned, have a savings account in your bank on my name (Savings Bank A/c No 3/493SB). I want to collect my monthly bank statement for my perusal. I am not in a physical condition to come to the bank office and collect the same in person. Therefore I hereby authorize my wife Mrs. Anne Holdings to apply for my monthly bank statement and collect it on my behalf. I do not have any objection for my wife signing the documents on my behalf in my absence. I will appreciate your help in this case. Feel at home to contact me on the above given number if the need arises.

Sincerely yours,
- Signature

This is a simple and hence ideal format of drafting an authorization letter to collect your bank statement. This format will help you draft your authorization letter. Such a clearly drafted letter will make the official procedure very easy for you.

If you want to withdraw money, explore Authorization Letter to Withdraw Money

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