Sample of Authorization Letter for Claiming Documents

Authorization letters have become an important means of communication these days. Since you cannot always reach everywhere for your official works, you assign the task to someone and get things done. The organization or the individual you are dealing with might take objection to anyone else performing the official or legal tasks on your behalf. A letter of authorization is a must in such a case. When your representative shows your authorization letter, such an objection does not hold good.

Writing an authorization letter for claiming documents is not that easy. You have to learn the technique of writing such a letter. Authorization letter is a formal type of written communication and hence you have to stick to certain prevalent format of letter writing and have to be particular about the selection words. Use of formal language is a must in such a letter. Through authorization letter, you authorize someone to take decisions and sign the documents on your behalf and hence think twice before authorizing a person. The person should be someone whom you know well and who is trustworthy.

When you write an authorization letter for claiming documents, try to keep your letter short, concise and precise. Mention the intent of your letter at the outset. The tone of the letter should be serious. You cannot use flowery language in such letters. You are not supposed to use complex sentences or jargons here. Authorization letters are written to avoid confusions or controversies. Your letter should lead to any further complications.

Here is a sample letter of authorization for claiming documents. This is just a sample and should not be taken as the only way to write such letters.

Anne Kipling
'Park Avenue',
143, Colman Street,
London- BBDD 1ZZ

Whom it may concern
Office of Vital Records
London- EC3A2AD

Sub: Authorization for my official documents

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I, the undersigned, need some of my important official documents currently present on file in your office. Since I am not in a position to come to your office and claim the same in person on account of my illness, I hereby authorize my sister Miss Mary Webster to claim the required documents. I have no objection for Miss Mary Webster signing the documents on my behalf in my absence.

Sincerely yours,
- Signature

This is a simple and hence ideal format of drafting an authorization letter claiming the important official documents. You can use this format by changing the names and other details as required. Such a clearly drafted letter will make the official procedure very easy for you.

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