Fast Food Cashier Resume

Fast food restaurant is one of the most eminent food businesses across the states and is providing a great deal of employment to youngsters (mostly to teenagers!).

Working at a fast food restaurant doesn't always mean preparing burgers and sandwiches. The other important job is that of a cashier which includes duties such as,

The fast food cashier also has to coordinate with other staff, such as the culinary workers to check the status of the food orders etc.

Now go through the sample resume given below.

Sample Fast Food Cashier Resume

Justin Nelson
456, X Street, Y Avenue,
Riverside, CA-92506
(123) 456-7890

Objective : To work as a cashier at a well reputed and well-liked fast food restaurant and offer my best services to gain excellent career move ahead

Summary of Qualifications:

Professional Work Experience:

Red Burger Fast Food Restaurant, Riverside, CA (2005-Present)

ABC Fast Food Restaurant, Riverside, CA (2005-Present)
Assistant Cashier

Academic education:

Personal Details:

References: Will be available on request

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