Fashion Stylist Resume

Fashion stylist is responsible for creation of pictures, photographs that are used by magazines or videos that are used by music companies. So it is clear that they are hired by such magazines or music companies as a part of their promotional projects.

Commonly, fashion stylists are responsible for:

These are some of the critical job duties carried out by fashion stylists. Find below the sample resume to get a clearer idea

Sample Fashion Stylist Resume

Karen Rivera
456, X Street, Y Avenue
Los Angeles, CA-90003
(123) 456-7890

Objective : To work with an organization / agency which will assign me challenging targets to achieve and provide me with immense career opportunities

Summary of Qualifications:

Professional Experience:

Symphony Music Co. Ltd., Los Angeles, CA (2006-Present)
Fashion Stylists

VIVA magazine, Los Angeles, CA (2004-2006)
Fashion Stylists

Academic education:

Extra Curricular:

Personal Details:

References: Will be available on request

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