Junior Financial Advisor Resume

This is a junior financial advisor resume that is drafted to help all the young job seekers apply for their dream jobs. This template attempts at bringing out the best qualities of the candidate and strengthening his application for the entry level jobs. You are free to make full use of this template to your advantage.

Every individual or a business organization is careful about its financial status. They calculate the risks and rewards before taking any financial decisions. Often they make wrong decisions since they have limited knowledge in accounts and finance. Therefore, seeking expert help becomes important for maintaining accuracy in work. This responsibility to guide the financial activities of the clients and to help them reap financial gains lies with the financial advisor. A financial advisor has thorough knowledge in accountancy, economics and finance. He uses this knowledge to interpret the financial markets and forecast the changes expected. He devises strategies to reap benefits from opportunities while tackling the shortcomings. Also, he is responsible to manage all revenues and expenses to ensure that the client remains financially strong and enjoys profits.

Junior Financial Advisor Resume

Ginny Tyler
Address: 18S, Marigold Street, Boston, NY 68874
Telephone Number: 633 - 045 - 7879
Email Id: ginnytyler@example.com

Career Objectives

To take up the interesting role of a junior financial advisor and advise the organization in planning their finances. To receive training under financial experts and learn the principles and methods of financial planning

Key Skills

Educational Qualifications

Work Experience

Working as a junior financial advisor with May-field Financial Inc., Boston from October 2010 till date. My chief responsibilities include:

Worked as a trainee financial advisor with Pearson Financial Solutions Inc, Boston from October 2009 till September 2010. My chief responsibilities included:

Worked as a financial executive with Melon Traders Inc, from September 2008 - September 2009. My chief responsibilities included:

Personal Details

Name: Ginny Tyler
Date of Birth: 1st September 1986
Hobbies: Playing chess and skating
Languages: English, French (Beginners)


Will be provided on request

Working as an advisor requires expert knowledge and complete understanding about the financial conditions. Since all clients would come to them for getting their queries solved, they have no scope for errors. Hence, we advise you to use this junior financial advisor resume and find jobs at junior level. This will give you time to learn more, practice financial planning and acquire the expertise required to work at senior level.

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