Production Supervisor Resume

The main duty of production supervisor is to organizing the capital and services essential to producing merchandise. Scheduling, recruitment, and maintaining tools, supervision quality and stock control are other duties of production supervisor.

The detailed information for the post of production supervisor is given on this sample production supervisor resume page. The candidate can edit this sample resume page as per requirement.

Sample Production Supervisor Resume

Perry Clarke,
223 Hall South Road.
Augusta, AR 4536,
(453)543 4654.


Obtain a challenging production supervisor position in manufacturing to contribute company goals, enlargement, & productivity.

Professional Skills:

Work Experience:
H&S Environ Inc., Los Angeles, CA(2005 - Present)
Sr. Production Supervisor

Duties are :

Advil Corporation, Augusta, AR(2000 - 2005)
Production Supervisor

Duties are :

Education and Professional Certification:

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