VP of Information Technology Resume

The position is responsible for reporting to the vice president and president for Information Technology and provides direction and leadership for system infrastructure of University and for other operational functions. They are responsible for supervising functions of surrounding system acquisition, networking, maintenance and support of system, second level management, campus level web-page development and direction for various other Technology Services.

Sample VP of Information Technology Resume

Harry Anderson,
2190, West 53 Street,
New Jersey, MA 02931,
(829)-273 9304.

Objective: seeking for challenging and responsible position of VP of information technology where I can use my management and IT skills to improve company benefits.


Work History

Information Technology Ditech.com, Horsham, PA
Worked as Information Officer


Some information Technology company, Louisiana
Worked as Manager


Master's Degree in Business Administration, Boston University, Boston
Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering, Boston University, Boston.

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