Letter of Recommendation If There are Many Candidates

How Important is the Letter of Recommendation If There are Many Candidates

Peter had applied for a job opening. He was confident of gaining the job as he had the necessary qualifications, skills and experiences required for the job. However, when he went for the interview, Peter realized he was not the only one with the perfect credentials. Many other job seekers boasted similar qualifications. Peter went ahead with the interview and got selected for the next round along with 10 other candidates. Peter realized that to get noticed he needs to do something different. Peter's previous employer helped him draft an impressive letter of recommendation and that made all the difference and Peter was selected over 10 candidates. Read further, to know how important the letter of recommendation is, if there are many candidates.


Every employer expects his candidates to have strong experiences in relevant field. The employer will have to supervise the candidate's work and provide them with training if they recruit candidates with little or no experience. Hence, if you have strong experience in your job field, stress on it within your reference letter and seek recruiters interest in your profile.


Qualifications become a major factor for the reader to select the candidate over other competitors. The candidate comes across as proficient with the core knowledge of that field, updated with the recent developments and someone who can handle all the related responsibilities. It assures the reader that the candidate is capable of performing the required duties. Thus, impressive qualifications are sure way of gaining an edge over other candidates.


The candidates can mention their achievements within the reference letters. Achievements could be a part of their academics, job experiences or extracurricular activities. Achievements are a proof of the candidate's potentials to get positive results from his strengths. Employers consider this as major factor of comparison between two candidates. Hence, highlight your achievements within your reference letter. Any candidate with stronger achievements is sure to get a preference over other candidates

Unique Ability

Letter of recommendation conveys the unique qualities of the candidate to the reader. Each person has his own personal ability that makes him different from the crowd. This quality helps them in bringing better results than rest of the candidates. Reference letters bring out this quality prominently and stress on its use from organization perspective. If the letter convinces the employer that the presence of the candidate in the organization's work is going to bring success, then the employer will give the candidate preference over other applicants.

All Rounder

A reference letter speaks of a candidate's several strengths and skills. It includes the candidate's strengths as an employee and student. It also speaks of the several activities pursued as a hobby or as a social duty. Hence, the letter of recommendation helps to prove a candidate as an all rounder. It conveys to the reader that the candidate is good at coordinating with others, taking initiatives, multitasking, creative skills etc. The employer feels the candidate will meet challenges successfully and can be relied upon to perform work efficiently.

Each reference letter is characterized by these features. Hence, these features are an effective tool of putting forth a strong application. By highlighting your strong points well, the reference letter is sure to attract the employer's attention. So now you know how important the letter of recommendation is, if there are many candidates.

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