Letter of Recommendation of a Product and of a Person

How Letter of Recommendation of a Product Varies from that of a Person

Letter of recommendation is a document that is used to create a positive outlook for a product/person. It praises the features and unique qualities of a person/product. It includes a detailed analysis of the strengths and capabilities of the person/product. Although the core nature of the two letters is same, both the letters differ in its purpose and format. For your reference, here are the guidelines that show how a letter of recommendation of a product varies from that of a product.

Recommendation Letter of a Person


This referrer drafts the recommendation letter in praise of a person and puts the stress on his qualities and strengths. The letter includes those key qualities that prove the person efficient and capable in his work and responsibilities. Additionally, the letter becomes a character certificate when it speaks of the person's personality traits. The candidate uses the letter in support of his application.

Who writes them?

What it includes?


Recommendation Letter of a Product


Recommendation letter of a product is a product review that explains the different features, positives and advantages of a product. It is a product analysis done with the view of promoting the product in the market.

Who writes them?

What it includes?


We have attempted at differentiating the recommendation letters for person and product on basis of meaning, purposes and format. The above points will help you understand how letter of recommendation of a product varies from that of a person

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