Copy Skills Section

Can We Copy the Skills from Free Sample Resumes?

Resume is the key to your prospective job. To make it sure you need to write each section in your resume in such way that it attracts more recruiters to give you an interview call. The resume differs from person to person and field to field. No two persons can have same resume. However, some part in the resume can be same. For example, two friends can have same educational qualifications listed in resume. Now the question arises can we copy the skills from free sample resumes? The below article provides you with the answer to this question.

Writing the skills section in resume is exceptionally important for every person. The skills in resume can help someone who does not have good academic credentials. Your skills help you to make an impact on the prospective employer and thereby make an impression on your colleagues and bosses.

There are many resume writing formats available for writing a quality resume. Also they provide the sample resumes for you to know how to write an impressive resume. It doesn't mean that you should copy the contents from these sample resumes and add it in your resume to make it attractive. The sample resumes are for the reference purpose. The details in sample resume and your details may be totally different. The skills mentioned in samples and the one possessed by you may not match. So, it is not recommended to copy the skills from sample resumes. Instead, you can take reference from the sample resumes for writing the skills section of your resume. The soft skill section in resume can be possibly the same but the technical skills section can differ in case of two candidates.

Let us consider the example of the skills section in sample resume.


Key Skills:

Communication - This skill deals with the internal and external clients at all levels, to ensure successful communication through actively listening and probing questions.

Problem-solving - Solves in-depth queries in a methodical manner independently to find appropriate resolutions, efficiencies and high quality level.

Team Player- Enjoys sharing knowledge and encouraging people to achieve team goals.

Planning and Organizing - Refined planning and organizing skills that balance work, team support and responsibilities in a timely manner.

System knowledge - Peoplesoft and Oracle. Good knowledge of preparing and analyzing the report data for management accurately.

The above example shows the skills section of the sample resume. It is generally written to be referred by the people. In addition to these skills candidate may possess some technical skills that can boost-up the possibility of resume getting short listed. The technical skill is the knowledge of the technology. It is hardly possible that the technical skill sections of two people are exactly same. If this section is copied from the sample resume, the employer may ask you questions on that particular topic and you can be easily caught.

Can we copy the skills from free sample resumes? The soft skills to some extent can be copied from the sample resumes. But the technical skills have to be written on your own. The general soft skills are possessed by almost every individual. Hence it can be copied from samples as it is written in attractive and dazzling language. This will help you to grab the attention of the employer.

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