How to Prepare for an Architect Interview

An architect is a person who designs and constructs buildings and other structures. The role of the architect is to design the structure with proper safety and usefulness. The field of construction is one of the fastest growing sectors of today's world. New technical advancements and the introduction of new software have made the field reach newer heights. New creations by architects are stylish enough to catch everyone's attention and defy the laws of gravity.

The foundation for a perfect architect lies in creativity. While creativity alone does not work wonders, it needs the bondage of an energy efficient design and resource management techniques. In an architect interview, the candidate should possess a degree in architectural studies with a reasonable amount of experience. For fresh graduates, experience as an intern should help them stay on track.

An architect interview candidate must fulfill or possess the following qualities to crack through the process.

To scale the heights of an architect interview the candidate has to take in account a few protocols.

The quintessential tool for every job. It helps in reflecting the candidate's strengths and skills to the interviewer. A resume should consist of information about the candidate's education and experience. The resume should perform its job of marketing the candidate's abilities. Adding power words in the resume and highlighting keywords will increase the readability and hence the value of the resume. Experience in special projects and conferences help powering up the resume.

Attire is the most important part of any interview. The corporate world of construction is no different. A professional looking suit is the best option for an architect interview. Avoiding bright colors, casual clothing and jeans is essential. Tattoos, piercing, hair colors, fancy jewelry, STRONG perfumes are not a part of the corporate culture. The candidate should maintain the looks of a positive and successful professional to impress the employer.

Self-introduction is the key to start an interview. Introduction starts with a firm handshake, confident smile and introduction by name. The first question in an interview is mostly 'Tell us about yourself'. This is an informational question. The answer should be an extended or a slightly elaborated introduction. The answer should contain the candidate's name, locality, education, experience and interests in the company. The answer should not exceed more than 2 minutes.

The talk in an architect interview should be positive. The interviewers look for positive aspects in the candidates. A confident talk will seal the deal.

Follow up
The art of following up is one of the healthy practices of interviews. The candidate should send a thank you note immediately after the interview. Follow up through email should be from three to four days and by phone after a week.

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