General Engineering Interview Questions

This article will give you the list of common questions asked during an engineering interview.

Engineering is application oriented science. A person graduated in engineering is known as an Engineer. Engineers study, design, commission and maintain buildings, machines, automobiles, production technologies and equipment, intricate instruments, power production and transmission facilities. The field of engineering is known to exist from the ancient times. Engineers give a huge emphasis to mathematics. Major engineering disciplines include civil, mechanical, electrical and chemical engineering. Other important fields are materials, aerospace, production, electronics and process control engineering. Biomedical and bioengineering are some of the newer fields and are growing rapidly.

Basic questions about the candidate:

Common questions regarding work experience and problems handled during work:

Teamwork & Communication : This is the part of the interview where the interviewer starts a stress interview type of questioning. The ultimate aim of the interviewer is not to irritate the candidate but to test his abilities.

Questions on teamwork and communication :

Company related questions :

Personal :

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