Operating Room Nurse Job Description

The operation theatre is an area of high stress. Even if the surgery is small, there could be many things that go wrong. Hence, the surgeon requires a team of experts who can handle such pressure situations and can function with expertise. Therefore, operating room nurse is a special position in the profession of nurses. For further information, refer to the operating room nurse job description as it contains reliable information.

The title is quite clear; operating room nurse can only mean one thing, nurses who assist surgeons in the operation theatre. Operation room nurses are specially trained for this position. The first quality they should posses is to be able to work under pressure as many times surgeons have to operate upon emergency cases. They should also be able to tolerate the sight of a lot of blood as the patients bleed in the operation.

The operating room nurses hand the doctors all the equipment they require in the surgery. The tools used have to be cleaned and sterilized before the operation by the nurses. The nurses have to double check before the operation whether all the required equipment is present or no. They also have to prepare the patients before the operation.

One important duty in the operating room nurse job description is to check the number of tools before and after the surgery. It has happened many times that surgeons have forgotten instruments inside the patients and stitched them up. Though, the surgeons keep a check of the instrument, the nurses have to be extra careful and avoid any such incidents.

Regarding the preparation, the nurses have to give the patient clean and disinfected clothes. They have to take all the vital stats of the patient like temperature, blood pressure, sugar level, etc., as they can cause major problems for the patient during surgery. These are still some basic responsibilities of the nurse, the more detailed ones are given in the operating room nurse job description along with advancement possibilities.

Duties and responsibilities of an operating room nurse job description

The operating room nurses need to have the required qualification and they also receive special training to be able to work in the operation theatre. The pay is also good and operating room nurses are in demand.

Education required in becoming an operating room nurse

Career advancing possibility

The nurses get seniority in their job and are entitled to a higher pay and better benefits. Many of they also use this job to study further to become surgeons.

The operating room nurse job description is to assist the surgeons and follow all their instructions. Their presence aids the doctor in concentrating in surgery.

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