Caretaker Jobs

Caretaker jobs have become more and more solicited by property owners who have realized the real benefits of having a trustworthy person taking care of their homes. On the one hand, the employer has to win because he can feel safer and has fewer worries and, on the other hand, a hard-working and reliable employee finds a way to make a decent living. There are three main categories of people who are interested in doing such kind of jobs are:

The thing that attracts more all these candidates is that the employer is offering to the caretaker a place to live inside their property, which saves the worker from some considerable living expenses.


Obviously, every business owner hires workers in order to obtain some benefits and, at the same time, the workers have some advantages as well. So let us take a closer look and find out which are the advantages for both caretakers and owners in this field of activity. The caretaker has the right to establish on his own the priorities and the tasks he must accomplish in a specific order. He lives on the property he is taking care of and therefore he does not have to pay rent at all and his living expenses are considerably lower. Moreover, they get to manage their time as they wish. Even though he or she is just a caretaker, the responsibilities he/she has and the conditions under which he or she works make the employee feel like those things are a personal possession and treats them more carefully in consequence. The owner could benefit from serious savings regarding his insurance policies because a caretaker increases the level of the property's protection; he feels more secure regarding the risks of being robbed; he feels more secure and has less worry about the maintenance of the property in good conditions.


There are quite a few different opportunities for a caretaker to get a job, depending on the main scope of the activity. There are the caretakers responsible with residential properties, also known as house sitters. Owners who spend just short periods at their residence usually solicit them and they need someone to permanently live there and take care of the property. There are the caretakers for second homes, which are hired for taking care of non-residential homes like holiday homes. There are the animal caretakers needed in farms but not only. There are the caretakers for commercial properties who are usually solicited by owners of schools, working farms or some historic homes, for daily activities to contribute. There are the caretakers in charge with off-season resorts like summer camps, ski resorts, nature retreats or who knows what other facilities. There are the ranchers, with much more responsibilities because they literally run a ranch or a farm when the owner is not enough experienced or interested. There are the fire lookouts that are usually hired to surveillance of areas prone to fire. Finally yet importantly, there are the cemetery caretakers whose tasks are more than obvious.

To make up your mind

To make up your mind you should probably get involved in an assignment for a short term. You might really enjoy the experience and turn it into a permanent source of income.

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