Supervisor Jobs

The supervisor jobs are often considered to include the design of the job's powers, by hiring someone who can meet all the job's requirements: the training of that person, the delegation of tasks, the duties' guidance in order to obtain good grades, the help provided in his/her career, the scoring of the problems concerning the performance and the discharge of the person, if necessary. Obviously, small companies or the nonprofit ones could not afford to pay full attention to all these activities.

However, there are some basic and regular activities that provide a solid foundation for the supervisor jobs. These basic principles ensure that the entire team is working together and, most important, that the staff is feeling that they are working together in order to meet a common goal.

Ironically, these basic principles do not work when an organization is in crisis. Therefore, a specialist in organizational development, when there is a diagnosis, firstly checks if these principles are in decline. The following activities should be governed by the new employer's supervisor:

  1. All the employees should provide weekly written reports to their supervisors. Here, he should include what tasks were completed the last week, what tasks are planned for next week, expect settlement issues and report dates. These reports can seem a tedious task, but are useful to ensure that employees and their supervisor have mutually understood what was happening. They are also very handy for planning purposes.
  2. He holds monthly meetings with all the staff. He is in charge of reviewing the global situation of the organization and the recent accomplishments. He should occupy the leader's position in the preparatory meetings in which all the employees should describe their job to others. For clarity, he focuses on the conclusions, he is sure that he is using agendas and takes notes. He takes into account the discussions and minutes of the meetings. These meetings create a sense of teamwork among staff.
  3. He holds meetings weekly or twice a week with all the staff members if the organization is small (under 10 people). He keeps these meetings even if there is a particular problem to solve - but makes them shorter. He is using these sessions for each person to give an overview of what they had done during the week/month. He is in charge of the meetings and is supposed to encourage the exchange of ideas and questions. Again, for clarity, he focuses and conclusions, using diaries, taking notes and organizing further meetings. Everyone should bring their own calendar when the next meeting is being scheduled so as to make sure that everyone can attend it.
  4. The supervisors should meet those who are reporting to him each month. This ultimately produces a more efficient management of time and supervision. He is in charge of reviewing the status of the activities which are in process in the company. He listens to how things worked in terms of both, the supervisor and the employee, and provides feedback and questions about current programs and services, career etc.
  5. He develops a communication plan. Whether you plan the internal and external communication, this is very helpful to develop a plan, formally or informally.

These were a few duties of any supervisor in any company. You can choose to be a supervisor if you liked the job profile.

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