Fundraising Sponsorship Letters

A good fundraising letter is the key to the success of all fundraising campaigns. These fundraising letters increase donation by attracting the donors to participate into the programs and events that are organized for different purposes. Corporate firms and big donors are targeted for good amount of the donation. Hence, a good fundraising letter must convince the sponsor to involve in the fundraising campaign.

These letters must be written in personal tone and with complete information. Clear and concise writing will make your sponsorship letter attractive, and the receiver can easily understand the content of the letter. Generally, sponsorship fundraising letters are written directly to the person working at the supervising position of the company or to a person who is donating.

Sponsorship fundraising letter Sample

Ms. Margaret Gonzalez
AIDS Charity Organization
5214 North Street
Denver, Colorado 85466

Date: 14 January, 2004

Mr. George Martinez
Denver Steel Corp. Inc.
Denver, Colorado 85455

Dear Mr. George:

AIDS Charity Organization, Denver is planning an AIDS Charity Marathon Run in February 2004. The success of this program depends on our sponsors who provide financial assistance and voluntarily participate into the event. We have set the goal of collecting ten million dollars for the victims of AIDS.

As a valuable sponsor of the program your company will get great media exposure throughout the campaign. We will place your organization's banner during the marathon and the company logo will be listed into the pamphlets and divertissements of this event. By donating a small amount you will be able to target large number of audience effectively within a short period.

We have categorized three sponsorship packages for organizations and individual who participate in this fundraising campaign. The detailed documents and sponsorship form is enclosed to this letter. I hope that you will choose the best option for your sponsorship to help AIDS Charity Organization's event, AIDS Charity Marathon Run.

We appreciate your financial support for the success of the campaign. I will be glad to answer any questions you may have about the event. Please submit your sponsorship form in the enclosed envelop.

Thank you for your continuous assistance to the AIDS Charity Organization.


Ms. Margaret Gonzalez

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