Grievance Letter to the School Board

Letters have always been an effective medium of expression. Even in the present age of speed where e-mails and SMS have become the speedy and easy ways of communication, writing and receiving letters is considered to be something special. Be it a personal letter to wish someone, congratulate or invite for some occasion or be it a formal letter of grievance, appeal, termination and so on; people love reading that piece of paper.

Grievance letters form a formal type of written communication. Many a time, you are asked to give your complaints in black and white which makes the legal or official procedure easier for the concerned authorities. You might not be happy with some false practices in the school your child's school. You might have some complaints regarding the lack of certain facilities in school. This is the time to put your grievances before the school board for the betterment of school work.

If you as a parent of a student of the school are writing a grievance letter to the school board, make sure that you end up in writing an effective and influential piece of writing. You should be able to make the concerned authorities know the seriousness of the situation and get you demands fulfilled. You can explain in detail what you complain about. However, this being a formal piece of letter, you are bound to use the formal language throughout the letter.

Try to keep the letter as short as you can because the concerned authorities might not have time to read a lengthy piece of paper. So avoid beating around the bush and straightaway come to the point. Here follows a grievance letter sample written by a parent to the school board. This is a nice example of such a letter. However, this is a letter written for a particular reason and should be seen just as an example. You can put your grievance in your own words using the following format.

Adam Smith
13/24 'Smith's Cottage'
Queen's Avenue
London- BBDD 1ZZ
Date: 13/07/2011

Sub: Letter of Grievance Regarding Poor Hygienic Practices

The Principal
Ideal Convent School
Ideal Road

Respected Sir,

I am writing this letter in the capacity of the Parents' Representative. This is to bring to your notice that the cleaning practices in the school premises have been a major concern for all the parents. It has been found that the lack of hygienic practices in school latrines, in the potable water tank, in the swimming pool and even in the classrooms is being responsible for several health problems in the students of this school.

Just to provide you with a few details, two weeks ago, two dead lizards were found in the potable water tank which created a great uproar in the students as well as in the parents. Two students were also found showing the symptoms of jaundice; but thankfully timely treatment could cure them. Last week, students also complained about a bad smell coming from the water in the school swimming pool.

Later it was found that the cleaning staff had not filtered the pool water for several days together. The dust in the classrooms and the library room is yet another reason to worry for all. Many students are suffering from throat infection on account of this dust. It seems that the cleaning staff is not particular about the cleaning practices in the school premises which is the reason for the ill health of many students. Doctors have advised the diseased students not to drink the water from the school tank or to use the swimming pool facilities.

I think I will be sharing your views when I say that such incidents harm the good name of the school. Ideal Convent School is one of the most reputed educational institutes in London and no one will ever appreciate this. I therefore hereby request you to look into the matter and see that cleaning practices on the school campus are improved. I am sure you will do the needful.

I thank you for your invaluable time.

Sincerely yours,
Mr. Adam Smith
Parents Representative

This is how a grievance letter to the school board is supposed to be written. You can base your grievance letter on the above format and even if you pick up some of the sentences from here, we don't mind.

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