How to Write a Reference Letter

Confused about how to write a reference letter? It is simple and easy. There is no particular form that one has to follow to write this letter. The letter is just a simple document where you make a reference of a person in the letter. You have to make case for the person you are recommending. This is the main aim of a reference letter.

There are many different kinds of reference letters. The most common type of reference letter is the job reference letter. As the title clearly states, this letter is for recommending an able candidate for a job position. This letter is written by a person who works in the company for which the candidate is being suggested. It can also be written by a person who holds influence in the company like an ex-employee.

Another common reference letter is a scholarship reference letter. There is a lot of competition for scholarships. Only grades are not enough, this letter is the extra help that pushes the odds in the favor of the candidate. This letter can be written by a person from the academic field or any responsible member from society.

In this letter, the writer has to explain why the student is the right candidate to receive the scholarship. They also have to ensure that the candidate will make full use to opportunity given to them. The scholarship covers education expenses partially or fully and hence, students who do not have the money to afford college education use the reference.

Just like scholarships are for fully paid education, there is another type of letter for college education. It is the college reference letter. However, this letter is different from that of a scholarship letter as this in this letter, the writer is not required to ask for a scholarship. Instead, the writer asks for a consideration in admission. Most of the time, the writer for this letter is an academic head of the student and the reader is the person responsible for granting admission into the college.

In this letter, the writer has to state the high school grades of the student and convince the reader that the student is the right candidate. This letter is important because each year, really good colleges get more applications that the number of seats and they have to carefully select students for their college. This letter gives an added advantage to the applicants along with good grades.

There is one reference that is not common but it sometimes is required. This letter is the character reference letter. This letter is written by someone who holds a good name in the society. In this letter, they have to write that person about whom the letter is of good character. This letter is many times used in the court of law as proof that person mentioned in the letter is of good character. Therefore, this letter has to be carefully written and all the information in the letter has to be true as the reputation of the writer is also at stake in the letter.

Business reference letter is used as a business proposition to potential clients. This letter is sent by an existing client making the reference of your business to another potential client. In this letter, the writer will write on the kind of business relation shared with you and how are the best option. This letter is also quite simple and effective.

Still wondering how to write a reference letter? Check out all the sample reference letter in our reference letter section.

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