Journalist Cover Letter

A journalist cover letter is one of the most important documents in your job search. It impresses upon your abilities as a journalist and expresses your qualifications and achievements in a professional way. The sole objective of the cover letter is to make one more marketable. It should include all relevant personal information and work experience should be included. At a glance, the employer should know and understand your capability and why he should recruit you. The letter should also exhibit your individuality and display how different and unique you are from other applicants.

In a journalist cover letter, the recruiter looks for a person with a spark, a person with determination and drive. The cover letter has to express all of this and make the recruiter believe that you are fit for the job. In order to make a good impression of your cover letter, you could use a few of the following pointers:

Sample Journalist Cover Letter

Tyler Collins
56 Berkley Avenue
Whipple Street
California 654463
Contact number:
0013307865778/ 0013307866872


June 15th 2011

The Editor
the American Express
89 Carpel Lane
Dawson Complex
California 654467

Dear Sir

Subject: Application for the post of a journalist.
Reference: Notice posted on Dawson Complex bulletin.

I recently came across a notice posted on the bulletin of the Dawson Complex about the new recruitments being conducted for the post of a journalist. I have been writing for various publications since high school. I am now twenty five years old and am in search of a stable well remunerated job. I aspire to bring a new light to journalism as I have a very different view point and can express it in a coherent manner. I have a way with words and can convert information into news efficiently and quickly. I have a very strong determination and I am extremely dedicated to my work.

I have a considerable amount of work experience and have worked with varied writing projects:

It will be a great honor to be a journalist under your guidance and write in the columns of your highly esteemed newspaper. I am sure I can produce excellent results if I am given a chance. I hope we can discuss more over a personal interview. I will provide necessary documents on request.

Thanking you
yours sincerely
Tyler Collins

This is how one can write a journalist cover letter. It can be altered according to job specifications or your personal preferences. Follow the tips mentioned in the article and create a letter to attach to your resume. All the best!

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