Construction Work

As kids all of us have played the block building game. We arranged blocks of different shapes and sizes to create tall structures. We took pride in what we made and worked hard to come up with innovate designs every time. Wouldn't it be interesting to carry this fascination of block building in real world and make a career in construction industry? Construction industry values every type of skills, whether planning, managerial, legal, designing or manual, and hence no matter where your strengths lie, construction industry is sure to have a suitable profile for you. Lets us see the different construction work profiles that candidates can take up in this domain.

Different types of Construction Work Profiles

Scope of Construction Activities

Construction work is not limited to building structures. It includes developing facilities for public use such as roads, highways, tunnels, footpaths, airports, stations, docks, dams, water supply systems, sewage supply system, earthwork, etc. Besides building functions, it also includes renovations, demolitions and excavation work.

Common Misconceptions v/s Facts

Some common misconceptions are associated with construction work. For example, construction work is a job for men, work is dirty and dangerous, or jobs are not available easily, etc. Construction is no longer a stereotype male dominated industry. Many women participate in construction activities, whether manual, operational, designing or quality controls. It is true that construction work is strenuous and vulnerable to health hazards; however, work is bound by stringent safety rules and employers emphasize on adopting those measures strictly, thus reducing the work related risks. Career prospects for jobs are positive and jobs are readily available for the eligible candidates.

Recent Trends

Green construction is the latest trend catching up with the construction industry. Green work denotes adopting environment friendly practices for construction activities. It promotes using practices that will generate less wastage, ensure optimum utilization of electricity and water, reduce the impact of harsh weather conditions, and utilize the given space in most effective manner. Green construction aims at reducing the negative impacts of construction on the environment.

Construction Work: Pros

Construction Work: Cons

Bring back the memories of playing block building game. Take pride in creating an identity for your city by building remarkable structures. We hope the given construction work description has boosted your morale of making a career in construction work.

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