Manual Testing Work

Manual testing work is a form of software testing, which requires manual test operations on behalf of the manual testing engineer or programmer. The chief goal of manual testing is to ensure proper execution of the software and to check whether the software meets the goals and objectives for which it was created. Automated testing is the other form of testing that is done with the help of automated systems instead of a person checking for errors. There are pros and cons of both systems and overall both have their own place in the industry.

Manual testing is generally done in several stages where a completed software program goes through a number of different tests such as code testing, system testing and end user testing. The last two steps are carried out in real world environment where non-technical users may find out user experience or interface related bugs that a programmer or engineer may have overlooked. System testing also involves testing the program across various platforms and operating systems in order to ensure maximum compatibility.


Manual testing professionals have to scan and verify numerous lines of codes in order to check the program's integrity and efficiency. Any unwanted, redundant or erroneous lines of code are either removed or replaced with new codes. The main objective of this work is to ensure that the software program meets all criteria and provides a good overall experience to the end user. It also helps in improving the overall quality of the software product when minor bugs and errors are resolved through manual testing.


Manual testing professionals need to possess excellent observational and analytical skills. They need to be extremely patient and attentive while scanning hundreds of lines of code as a single error can cause the program to crash. Because of the fact that it can be an extremely repetitive and redundant kind of work, good attention span and proactive observatory skills are essential traits of a manual testing professional.


A bachelor's degree in computer science or computer engineering is a must for all candidates aspiring to work in this field. Knowledge about various computer languages is essential and the specific languages are determined by the hiring organization in the form of a job posting. Additional certificate courses in various computer programming languages and concepts help in giving an edge to a particular individual over other candidates. Possessing past experience in the field of software testing is an added advantage while applying for a job in this field.

Work Conditions

Manual testing engineers and programmers work in an office based environment with good lighting and ventilation. The only forms of physical stress they may experience are back pain and strained eyes from sitting continuously for long hours in front of a computer screen. However, they generally work under a large amount of mental and psychological pressure in order to meet deadlines. Standard work hours are around 40 hours a week, although overtime hours in order to achieve targets are not uncommon in this line of work.

Career Advancement

Manual testing work professionals get promoted to senior positions or that of a team manager on the basis of their experience level and skills in the field. Advancement may also be achieved in the form of lateral promotion wherein one receives a hike in salary and added responsibilities in the same job position. Few individuals use this field as a stepping stone to other jobs in the IT industry such as a full time software developer or engineer.

Earnings and Benefits

On an average, manual testing work professionals earn around $70,000 per annum. The exact salary is dependent on a number of different factors such as industry, organization, experience and skills. They also receive additional benefits in the form of health insurance plans, paid leaves, sick leaves and pension plans.

Owing to the advent of the digital age, manual testing work is an important and integral part of the IT industry, which is growing at a fast pace. There are a large number of entry level jobs available in this line of work and is a good choice for those looking to pursue their career in this field.

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