Consumer Goods Marketing Careers

About Consumer Goods Marketing Field:

Consumer goods industry manufactures and promotes various items that one can buy including toothpaste, shaving cream, chewing gum, refrigerator and many other products.

Marketing analysts classify consumer goods mainly into two categories, in order to manage marketing efficiently. These two categories are durable and nondurable. Items that come in durable categories have staying power. Items that fall in this category include jewelry, electronic appliances and home furnishings. While the nondurable category includes products like cleaning products, soap, clothing and food products.

Nondurable products have a life duration of less than three years. Also, products are classified on the basis of what customers require and what they would like to possess. However, most of the products in spite of their type are sold due to their brand.

Brand is a way to make a distinction among goods of various manufacturers. For customers, brand is also more than this. Basically brand has two parts. One is brand identity and other is brand image. In brand image, analysts and advertiser try to convince customers and try to associate them with the brand. Brand promises customers to make them feel satisfied, more competent, more flourishing, and of course popular. Brand image depends on the how brand fulfills these promises.

Successful brands continuously relate with customers at an emotional level through marketing and promotion. Also, the customer's reactions are reflected with their experience about the brand. However, there is substantial difference between brand identity and brand image. Brand image may get exaggerated by means of rumor and negative publicity. Brand image also gets hampered when consumers find the brand unsatisfactory.

Despite this, there is a huge quantity of consumption with the help of branding and the figures are amazing. Customers spend on consumer products enormously and almost 65 percent trade in the economy accounts for consumer goods. In the U.S., expenditure on consumer goods floats around $7 trillion per annum. Also consumer goods manufacturers are looking for newer markets other than the U.S. and European countries. They are trying to capture the booming market in countries like Brazil, India, Turkey, China, Russia and Eastern Europe. These markets provide good opportunities for consumer goods manufacturers.

In these days of dynamic market, it is not easy to reach customers. It is not only the matter of transporting products and advertising it. Since rising is unstable, it is also important to consider various factors. In developing countries, there are different rules and regulations than developed ones, which further increase complications. Also governments in these nations might be addicted to cronyism and bribery which affects the profitability as well as the overall functioning of businesses. Other problems that are faced by companies in developing countries are poor infrastructure, irregular electrical supply, unhygienic water and unreliable transportation mode.

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